Posts Tagged ‘ great equalizer ’

On Childhood

I can only hope it doesn’t sound preachy.

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What were you doing on that day, ten years ago?

I was going to title it “We still don’t know why it had to happen that day” but I don’t think anyone else would get it, except for the few anime fans that read my blog, ahaha.

Today is the ten-year anniversary of 9/11, where countless people lost their lives, all because of two airplanes and a terrorist attack. I still don’t understand why Bin Laden did this to fellow human beings.

Perhaps it’s because I believe that everyone can’t be as evil as they say. But that day, I was in school and it was a normal everyday kind of day. I was eight years old.

When the teachers told us what happened, my classmates and I stared outside, at the window, as if we could see what had happened. I never imagined I would remember one quote from a book I read four years ago.

“Maybe death is the great equalizer, the one big thing that can finally make strangers shed a tear for one another.” — Mitch Albom in Tuesdays with Morrie

What were you doing, on that day?